November 26 2008 Disclosure of Equity Participation Pursuant to the Swiss Stock Exchange Act
Syracuse, New York/Zurich, Switzerland - November 26, 2008 - INFICON Holding AG (SIX Swiss Exchange: IFCN), a leading manufacturer of vacuum instrumentation and process control software for the semiconductor and related industries and other industrial applications, today announced, that according to a notification signed on November 25, 2008, UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG, PO Box, 4002 Basel (contact person Cintia Gurtz, UBS, PO Box, 8098 Zurich, +41 44 239 9697) holds after a sale on November 21, 2008, with 106,292 registered shares of INFICON Holding AG or 4.96% of the voting rights now less than 5% of the voting rights in INFICON Holding AG.
Corporate Contact
Betty Ann Kram
Director of Global Communications
European Contact
Bernhard Schweizer
sensus PR GmbH
Corporate Contact
Betty Ann Kram
Director of Global Communications
European Contact
Bernhard Schweizer
sensus PR GmbH