Samed in the land of unlimited opportunities
Global exchange is more important than ever
When employees spend time at other INFICON locations, not only does the individual benefit, but also the company. The experiences the employee brings back to their point of origin contribute to the functioning whole, which in this story is our Balzers, Liechtenstein facility. In addition to foreign ways of working, language skills are expanded and valuable contacts are made.

Samed is a quality assurance professional in Balzers. He seized the opportunity to work abroad and headed off to Syracuse in the USA for three weeks. He began his journey with mixed feelings. But the nervousness he was experiencing, quickly dissolved as he was greeted at the airport by his US colleagues with open arms.
Samed was unsure what his first working day would look like, but he quickly found there was a lot of warmth and openness to be felt. Samed was integrated into the team without any ifs, ands, or buts. He was given an extensive tour of the building, including production, before getting down to the work he came to do. Samed was able to use his instinct and convince with his exact - and nevertheless snappy - way of working.
In addition to the world of INFICON, exploring the culture and life in the USA was also high on Samed’s bucket list. From excursions to growing metropolises like Buffalo, visiting natural beauties like Niagara Falls, to extensive shopping tours or simply enjoying a slice at the infamous Cheesecake Factory, the time was savored to the fullest. One highlight, however, was the visit to an NBA basketball game.
Samed shared these unforgettable experiences with his colleagues in Syracuse and real friendships have developed from these working relationships. The contact continues even after the exchange.
All in all, Samed looks back on his time in the USA with pleasure. He took a lot of things with him - not just shopping. He learned a lot about working and living on the other side of the pond. There is only one thing Samed would do differently today. He would schedule his stay for the warmer months of the year, because it can be insanely cold in Syracuse in the winter.